Two Wheel Tuesday: Rough and Tumble

I just may have to start referring to this as the Sunset Ride. Every Tuesday there is another, seemingly better than the one before, and I honestly do not think they get any more brilliant then when viewed from a trail up in the hills. Our route maven arrived with a plan tonight, one that she kept secret; not even the husband knew how diabolical it was. The plan involved more climbing (yeah), and more rocks (oye vey) than our more "typical" Tuesday routes involve. I suppose, since she is the one who decided to shake things up a bit, it is entirely appropriate that our navigator should be the one to take a tumble in the rocks and down a bit of embankment. No real harm done, certainly nothing that a couple tacos and a La Verne Brewing Company beer (maybe a little money thrown at the bike, or a little elbow grease at the least) couldn't make better. When we veered right, after summiting, to descend the Turn and Burn single track on the south side of Via Verde I, sarcastically, thought "oh man, my rocky favorite." Turns out I descended along there as well as I ever have on the hardtail. Success and a good night. Just another Two Wheel Tuesday in the dirt.

Roadies over there (hey, Jonathan)...

mtbers over here.

what's happened here?

wonder what they are discussing?

eight of us this week

"... California sunset
Going down in the the West
All the colors in the sky
Kiss another day goodbye ..." (Neil Young)
